
Current Questionnaires.

Spiritual Development Research

The research is aimed at all teachers who teach RE full-time or part-time, specialists or non-specialists, teachers of any faith, also Humanists, Atheists and teachers of all beliefs or backgrounds.

Please note: If you have received the email from RE Today about this research and you are the Head of an RE Department or RE Coordinator it would be very much appreciated if you would forward this information to all teachers in your school who teach RE, both full-time and part-time.

The aim is to explore the meaning of 'spiritual development' and its understanding by RE teachers in secondary, middle and primary schools.

The main focus is on actual understanding of the term itself and its practical applications in RE. Terms such as 'self-development' and spiritual and religious affiliation(s) will also be explored.

The research is also interested in:

  • teachers' religious and spiritual affiliation(s) and their personal background concerning their personal development, if any (as considered by the participant)
  • possible relationship between teachers' religious and spiritual backgrounds and teachers' views about spiritual development and self-development
  • teachers' views about methods and provision for spiritual development in RE lessons

The research is conducted anonymously; you will not be required to submit your name or any other details which will identify you.

It is self explanatory has drop down options to help speedy completion.